Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Benefits of papaya and honey mask

Benefits of papaya and honey mask In addition to acne, skin problems often experienced by teenagers our age is dull-looking skin due to exposure to sunlight. Let's try to treat the skin of your face with a mask of honey. This mask can be mixed with other natural ingredients, such as bananas and lemon to produce a bright and shining skin.

Banana Honey Mask
Bananas contain Vitamin C and magnesium are good for the skin. Because it adds a banana can rejuvenate skin cells and form new skin cells. While honey can brighten the skin and acts as an anti-oxidant that protects the skin from UV rays.

To make banana honey mask, select 1 ripe banana, then crushed into powder. Then, mix with 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well. Then, apply a mask banana honey all over your face and leave on for 15-20 minutes. After feels dry, rinse with warm water until it is completely clean.

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